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A compliance platform that simplifies product regulatory and safety data management, helping businesses meet global standards and ensure product quality.

Supply Chain



User Testing

Info Architecture


Data Visualization


Interaction design

Visual design



UL's PurView Platform streamlines the exchange of product, material, and supplier information across the supply chain. It allows purchasers to communicate their specifications to manufacturers, who can then refine their products to better meet these requirements. By connecting all parties within the supply chain, PurView improves the flow of information and accelerates the creation of more sustainable products.

UX Process.

Concept maps were essential in visualizing the PurView platform's flexibility and the relationships between different entities. These visualizations helped manage complexity, serving as an effective communication tool among UX designers, product managers, subject matter experts, and engineers.


Mockup of Purview = Site Map

User stories documented the various roles—from purchasers to managers, retailers to suppliers—and their specific needs. Building a platform to accommodate such diverse roles required identifying commonalities, deviations, and prioritizing user stories accordingly.

Mockup of Purview = Concept Map

Userflow diagrams were created for all processes, guiding the development of UI wireframes and informing engineering requirements. These diagrams were invaluable in uncovering unanticipated edge cases, identifying all validation points, and providing a roadmap for iterative product releases.

Mockup of Purview = Batch

Scaleable Design.

Customizable dashboards were developed to give users, ranging from managers to data entry personnel, direct access to the data they need. Data visualization tools were employed to distill complex, multi-faceted information into concise summaries while enabling users to explore details where needed.

Mockup of Purview = Data Visualization Explorations
Mockup of Purview = Table
Mockup of Purview = Dashboard
Mockup of Purview = Ingredients list
Mockup of Purview = CVS
CVS logo

PurView provided CVS with high-level reporting on which brands were meeting or failing industry standards, along with insights into the reasons behind these outcomes.

Mockup of Purview = SAC

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) sought software that would enable fashion designers to compare clothing designs, fabrics, and materials against various sustainability metrics.

Client Solutions.

The PurView Platform was built with flexibility at its core, catering to a diverse range of clients—from retailers and suppliers to organizations—each with specific needs such as safety, sustainability, health, environmental impact, ethical standards, and ingredient transparency.

Mockup of Purview = Method
Method logo

Method requested a tool and visualization to score ingredients based on their standards for health, environmental toxicity, and sustainability.

Data Viz Explorations.

Numerous data visualization patterns were explored to accommodate the various features of PurView and the unique needs of different clients. Often, the same data set was charted in multiple ways, providing users with a comprehensive understanding of the information. This approach not only conveyed the intended insights but also allowed users to compare data in unexpected and insightful ways.

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